Sunday, April 5, 2009

8 Reasons Your Business Should be Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is most likely not going away anytime soon. It’s one of the most effective communication and promotion vehicles on the internet today.

Email marketing is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of marketing and allows you to improve your relationships with your prospects (gain trust) and your current clients. Email marketing is not only a great way to send out newsletters but it’s a great way to send specific targeted messages over time that will help you convert ie; get your customers to buy again!

Here are 8 reasons as to why it’s vitally important to your business to take advantage of email marketing:

1. Email is personal-With auto-responder technology you will be able to automatically customize the email with the recipient’s name. Personalizing is important to gaining trust with your prospects
2. Timed responses-You can set your messages to automatically send at pre-determined intervals. Let the system work for you. This is a huge time saver on the back-end.
3. Open rates-Unlike traditional advertising, where you don’t know who is looking at your message, with email marketing you will have access to open rates, click through rates, delivery, and conversion.
4. Demographics-How valuable is it for your business to know where your message is being “heard”. This piece of information will allows you to collect vital information about your prospects.
5. Fast delivery-Email is sent instantaneously. You can virtually get feedback regarding your message in minutes compared to days or weeks with traditional advertising.
6. Trust factor-As mentioned in #1 above, trust is huge on the internet. People will do business with you if they trust you.
7. Builds brand awareness-Email marketing is highly effective, customized, and helps you build your brand with your message.
8. It's virtually FREE! It doesn’t cost a whole lot to send email to thousands of prospects and the revenue generated is pure profit!

Email is a major form of communication and huge part of many people's daily routine. Email marketing is a great way to expand your business and it doesn’t have to be a costly nor time consuming to make it happen.

In today’s challenging economy email marketing may be the best return on investment as businesses are tightening budgets and looking to restrict spending on marketing yet still maintain a presence in the market.

To your business success!

Tony Estigoy
VP, New Media
Rebel Public Relations

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