Sunday, February 1, 2009

Interview with Amparo Perez Cook

Today, I want you to meet Amparo Perez Cook. Who you might ask? Most people have never heard of her yet she achieved something that most will never do.

Amparo followed her dream. Watch the interview with RebelWoman host Jann Taber and listen to her story. It is one of many yet one of so few. Her dream, her passion, allowed her to purchase a radio station(one of the first woman to ever do so!) for $15M, without any money, and later sell it for $23M.

Her story is one of passion, determination, and the desire to think big and act big. Her laser focused drive would not allow failure although there were many obstacles against her.

Take 15 minutes and watch the interview. It just might help propel you past any obstacles!

To your success!

-Tony Estigoy
-VP, New Media and Social Media Coach

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